Korea-Libya ties put to test over spy case
Some countries have a problem with their politics, and there are many kind of problems. Some of them can be solve and some cannot. For this article, I will talk about Korea politics that involves with Libya, a small country in North Africa. This Affair is happened when Libya government finds out that there are several koreans spy in Libya. In Africa, a South Korean intelligence agent which working at the Korean Embassy is expelled. The relation of South Korea and Libya's governmaent is very complicated. Moreover, the Libyan government take out three employees of the Economic Cooperation Bureau of Libya in Seoul. The bureau in Africa stopped making a visa for South Koreans. To solve this issue, South Korea government sent a group to Libya for telling a detail of the spy case. Now the agent is waiting for the Libyan government to reply. I think this issue might be a misunderstanding between two countries. The problem will be solve soon.