Do you like listen to music? Many people like to go to concerts. They like to hear sound and watch their favourite singers and boy bands. Today Korean singers and boy bands are very popular all over the world. For this article, I will talk about Korean singer who are well-known international stars in South Korea; Boa and Seven. Boa and Seven will perform at Korean Music Wave 2010 in Incheon, a big city in west coast of South Korea. They will perform the concert with other 14 Korean musicians. The concert will begin at 7 p.m. on Aug 29th at Incheon Munhak World Cup Stadium. In addition, there will be a lot of guests who join the concert such as Kara, 2PM, and Super Junior. Next, “Digital Bounce" is a new album by Seven, and it will be on sale on Wednesday. For BoA, she will come back to Korea after She left Seoul for five years. The concert hopes that more than 50,000 audience will appear. For those who interested in this concert can buy the online ticket starting July at ticket.gmarket.co.kr.
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