Korean Teenagers Study 8 Hours a Day
How many hours do you spend on studying 4 or 5? In South Korea, teenagers study 8 hours a day. This makes me wonder. A Korean student wakes up 6 o'clock in the morning and reads news for his writing essays. His classes begin at 7a.m. to 1 p.m. He has only an hour for lunch. He has classes until 5:35 p.m. After dinner, he studies until 9 p.m. at school. He comes home and continues to study until 12:30 a.m. This is a daily life of South Korea high school student. Teenagers in Korea spend 15 hours in school more than other students in this world. Their hours of study are above the average. Studying will take off their sleeping and exercising time. Young people should sleep at least 7 hours and 30 minutes a day. These teenagers should have time for social activities, volunteering and sleep. It is very surprised with Korean students. How can they just study and study? Can you wake up at 6 o'clock and study until 12:30 at night? To read more about their lives: CLICK